The software for inspections
InspectionSite is a cloud based software for streamline inspection or maintenance reporting process by providing standardized forms, with photos and video attached. Reports are stored in cloud and you can easily share with customers. It is designed for specialists and small and medium-sized enterprises.

The software for inspections
InspectionSite is a cloud based software for streamline inspection or maintenance reporting process by providing standardized forms, with photos and video attached. Reports are stored in cloud and you can easily share with customers. It is designed for specialists and small and medium-sized enterprises.
InspectionSite is an ideal solution for providers of Infrastructure inspections, surveys and control utility towers and bridges, highways, air transport infrastructure, railways and roadways, and much more.
Compiling standardized reports and checklists related to characteristics and state of conservation of civil infrastructure evaluation, classification and analysis of damages or potential problems, evaluation of future demage risk, shaping of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance operations.
Save time, reduce errors, offer a higher service level in terms of report delivery times.

InspectionSite adds high value
- Improvement of inspections workflow management
- Higher professionalism thanks to a standardized and customized Report
- Photos and video automatically tagged and attached to inspected codes
- Filling out Reports through the App directly on site, even offline
- Flawless and unified data collection, less errors and defects
- Reports are generated and forwarding to clients or supervisors immediately after completing forms
- More efficient workflows thanks to timely updating of systems
- Secure storage of Reports and documentation in cloud
Standard Reports
A clear and structured form facilitate compiling standardized reports based on customized models.
Benefits also for clients and authorities in terms of referring findings thanks to a flowless and unified data structure.
Massive import of scheduled inspections or integration with company ERP through API.
Based on scheduling, importing data allows to create pre-compiled Reports, checklists, defects sheets, for all visual inspections and tests required for an element.
By taking over a Report from the App, you can see all the elements to be viewed: complete inspections, less errors and oversight.

Web App off-line
Through the App installed on tablet or smartphone, even in offline mode, an inspection Report can be filled out on the field: collect findings on defects causes and damages and fill out Report faster, saving precious time.
Photos, Videos and Annexes
Capture photos or videos of inspected elements and attach them directly to their codes, saving time furtherly and avoiding association mistakes.
Collect documents and attach them directly to the Report: when required you immediately find them for fast sharing.
Report storage in Cloud
Reports and Surveys, together with all documentation, are stored in cloud for a minimum of three year, or more if necessary.
Manage users and teams
You can assign inspections to groups of users, ensuring the confidentiality of information, in case you have a network of freelancer inspectors or partner companies.

Request a demo
Data of the data controller – Orangedev S.r.l. – are the following: C.F. and VAT number 06689280482, registered office in Via Panciatichi 40 – 50127 Florence, Tel: (+39) 095 483682, E-mail: info@orangedev.it, PEC: orangedev@legalmail.it. You can contact the data protection officer, designated by the owner pursuant to art. 37 of the GDPR, by writing to your attention at the headquarters of the owner, or by e-mail to the address: dpo@orangedev.it.